396 TEXT-BOOK OF ZOOLOGY of leathery-brown colour. It likes warmth, and therefore is fond of taking up its quarters in bakehouses, kitchens, mills, etc. Flour and all kinds of domestic refuse form the food of this familiar insect. According to popular superstition, the sound of the cricket, like that of several other animals (give examples), forebodes the death of the hearer. Group 2 : Gressorial Orthoptera (Gressoria), Family 4: Praying Insects (Mantidae), The Praying Mantis (Mantis religiosa) is a fantastic-looking insect, met \iith in Southern Euiope and even, though laiely, m Southern Geimany Though of laptoiial habits, it is a slowly moving cieatuie It is but pooily adapted foi flight, and cieeps lazily along on its PiiAYiNf; Mantis. (Natural size.) W., Female, which has seized a prey ; M., a flying male. remarkably long middle and hind legs (gressorial legs) ; hence it has to capture its food in a different fashion. Motionless the insect sits in the grass, where, on account of its green colour, it can only with difficulty be recognised (protective and deceptive colouring). The head is small, but held loftily erect by the first thoracic somite (prothorax), which has the form of a long neck, so that the robber's field of vision is very extensive; at the same time the fore-legs are raised, apparently as in